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Applications are due on Monday, July 15th at 11:59 PM PDT.

If you have any questions, please send them to President-Elect, Ani Sarkissian at



Student Night & Job Fair Chair(s)

  • Organize the Annual Student Awards Banquet and Job Fair, an event which promotes interaction between students and industry, while also recognizing the accomplishments of our local universities.

  • Take responsibility for “Student Night Job Fair” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn More:

Golf Tournament Chair(s)

  • Responsible for organizing the Annual LA YMF Golf Tournament, an event which links industry with our local younger members while helping to raise funds for the chapter. 

  • Take responsibility for “Golf Tournament” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn More:



Community Service Chair(s)

  • Coordinates events/activities that serve the public, better our community, and promote the Civil Engineering profession, and the visibility of our group in community service.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn more:


K-12 Outreach Chair(s)

  • Conduct educational outreach to students from kindergarten through 12th grade at classroom outreach projects or after-school programs

    • Includes organizing career day speakers, classroom/school/after-school presentations, engineering and science experiments, participation in STEM programs, and organizing technical tours.

  • Take responsibility for “K-12 Outreach” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

​Learn More:

Social Activities Chair(s)

  • ​Coordinates social events/activities with the intent of promoting interaction amongst local younger members.

    • Example events include monthly happy hours, hiking, camping trips, annual Mammoth trip, wine tasting trip, the annual holiday party, sports activities, and co-hosted events with other Professional Societies.

  • Take responsibility for “Membership” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Add event pages as needed.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn more:


University Outreach Chair(s)

  • ​Serve as the liaison between the YMF Board and local university ASCE chapters (5 Universities: CSULA, CSUN, LMU, UCLA, and USC).

  • Coordinate student mixers, the student sponsorship to the annual ASCE Convention, and serves as a mentor/support role to the student chapters.

  • Take responsibility for “University Outreach” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

​Learn More:

Inclusion, Belonging and Diversity (IBD) Chair(s)

  • ​Coordinate inclusive events celebrating underrepresented groups in civil engineering such as BIPOC, Women, and LGBTQI+ communities.

  • Help ensure that ASCE LA YMF provides for a welcoming and inclusive environment that curates a sense of belonging for diverse groups of people.

  • Add event pages as needed.

  • Works with other chairs to collaborate on events.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

​Learn more:



  • Cover ASCE events and assist with taking photos/screenshots for events (in person or virtual) when needed.

    • ASCE LA YMF can assist with historian registration costs for various events.​

  • Ensure that board members conduct articles for each event and posts them to the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • May aid in writing articles and collecting feature photos for the ASCE LA YMF website and social media.

  • Manage our online photo albums and sharing photos to our social media teams.

  • Has an interest in being a photographer or have a willingness to learn a new craft.

    • Professional photography equipment can be provided if necessary. 

See our photos:


Scholarship Chair(s)

  • Coordinate awards the scholarships at the Student Night & Job Fair, Engineers Week, and other events.

    • Works with the Treasurer to distribute funds to awardees.​

  • Take responsibility of the “Scholarships” and “Awards” sections of the ASCE LA YMF website.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each scholarship winner to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn More:

Professional Development Chair(s)

  • Promote the professional development of our members by organizing technical presentations/tours/workshops, developing joint events with other professional organizations.

  • Recognize our members for their technical contributions (papers, mentorship, etc).

  • Add event pages to the website as needed.

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn more:

Government Affairs Chair(s)

  • Arrange events for members to meet with officials on the local, state and federal levels to promote infrastructure investment,

    • For example: the annual Sacramento Fly-In, DC Fly-In, and City Hall Drive-In.

  • Take responsibility of the “Government Affairs” section of the ASCE LA YMF website.​

  • Write or delegate written articles for each event to publish onto the ASCE LA YMF website.

Learn more:

Graphics Chair(s)

  • Produce graphics to be used for ASCE LA YMF social media, website, and other correspondences.

  • Collaborate with other chairs to create promotional materials for upcoming events.

Check us out:



Each Committee Member is responsible for assisting their Committee Chair with the planning and execution of their activities/roles. The following committees are looking for volunteers to assist with planning the annual event. Please visit the respective webpage for more details.





  • Represents YMF in the Los Angeles Section Board of Directors by attending the Section Board of Directors meeting.

  • Mentors and assists YMF Board of Directors with their duties.  

  • Shall report to the Section on the highlights and accomplishments of YMF throughout the year. 

  • Keep the Board Members informed of any decisions made and activities scheduled from the Los Angeles Section and the Branches.





  • Presides over regularly scheduled board meetings, general, executive and/or special meetings as required to conduct the YMF business.

  • Along with the President-Elect, shall appoint Committee Chairs, monitor committee expenditures, and provide assistance to the Committee Chairs as deemed necessary in order to carry out the function. 

  • Along with the Treasurer, shall complete and submit funding applications, financial reports to Section, etc. in a timely manner. 

  • Oversees the work of other board members and their responsibilities.





  • The President-Elect assists the President and agrees to a three-year commitment serving one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President

  • Becomes familiar with the activities of YMF, so as to efficiently carry out the functions of President during the following term.  

  • Assists the President with the scheduled events by coordinating with and overseeing Committee Chairs.  

  • Appoints Committee Chairs along with the President, monitors committee expenditures, and provides assistance as deemed necessary in order to carry out the YMF’s functions.

  • Presides over board, general, or special meetings in the absence or direction of the President.

  • Oversees general updating of the YMF website not maintained by specific members.



Vice President


  • Assists the President as deemed necessary to fulfill his/her duties; for example, in scheduling board, general, or special meetings/meeting locations, etc.  

  • Presides over board, general, or special meetings in the absence or direction of the President and President-Elect.

  • Oversees quality control for all publications (e.g. weekly announcements, event flyers, event articles) and web-postings, and content of the YMF website.





  • Prepares the meeting agenda and minutes of all the regularly scheduled board meetings, as well as the timely distribution of the next meeting’s agenda and previous meeting’s minutes to board members (and other YMF members).

  • Works with the Membership Chair to maintain a current and accurate member mailing lists (including email distribution lists).

  • Announces upcoming YMF events/activities and relevant YMF information to the YMF members.

  • Maintains and updates the YMF calendar events.





  • Maintains the YMF account and monitors the money entering and leaving the account.

  • Prepares annual budgets, financial reports, etc., for the various YMF activities/events, so as to assist the President in preparing funding requests/applications from Section and other sources of funding.  

  • Writes all payment and reimbursement checks for the year

  • Maintains the YMF’s bank account for payments.   

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