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Volunteer Opportunity for the Seismic Outreach at UCLA project

Wed, Nov 28


Straus Clubhouse, LA Tennis Courts

UCLA Students have put together an amazing Seismic Outreach program for 6th graders and are in need of volunteer judges. if you would like to volunteer at their Finale Day competition RSVP at the following google form: See below for more details.

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Volunteer Opportunity for the Seismic Outreach at UCLA project
Volunteer Opportunity for the Seismic Outreach at UCLA project

Time and Location

Nov 28, 2018, 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Straus Clubhouse, LA Tennis Courts, California, United States

About the Event

Seismic Outreach at UCLA is a community service project that works with local middle schools in the Los Angeles region and focuses on developing an extensive curriculum about earthquakes and the fundamentals of structural engineering for 6th grade students. We accomplish this through an interactive presentation introducing the causes of earthquakes and the incredible consequences they have on our society. As a result, we especially emphasize the importance of structural engineering as well as basic methods used in designing stable structures. Over the course of the following months, the students apply engineering tactics to create a K’NEX structure that they bring to UCLA to be tested on a shake table and judged. Through this phenomenal program countless young students are exposed to the field of engineering and get to experience the great resources and talents UCLA has to offer.

In order for the Finale Day event to run smoothly, we need a large number of volunteers ranging

from the UCLA student population to UCLA faculty to industry professionals. Therefore, we are

requesting volunteers from the LA YMF to serve as judges at the competition. Your primary role

would be to grade the student’s on the structural integrity of their structurals (ie. whether they

used bracing and understand the importance of beams, columns, joints) as well as their creativity

and innovation in their architectural drawing. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer at

our Finale Day competition and RSVP at the following google form:

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