2017 K-12 Outreach Events
Our K-12 outreach Chairs Zixuan Chen P.E. and Brian Phan are the leads in our K-12 outreach. Our chapter prides in on our multiple K-12 outreaches throughout the school year and our engineers educate the students about the engineering profession in hopes that they pursue a field in math, science, engineering, or technology. With each of our K-12 outreach presentations, we also pair the event up with an engineering related activity such as Popsicle stick bridges, gum drop and tooth pick towers, and traffic light gram crackers. Some of our notable K-12 outreaches include Clover Elementary and John C. Fremont gum drop and tooth pick structures building and the Janson Elementary Kindergarten class traffic safety lesson.

ASCE LA YMF is now leading two high school engineering clubs in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. High school students get first-hand experience with industry professional, student mentorships, and a strong student community to encourage high schools to pursue a field in engineering. Our first club established in 2016, Rosemead High School Engineering club, now has over 50 active members and stands strong as one of the best organization at the high school. Our high school club was also sponsored to attend our annual Engineer’s Week High School day where one of the student members was awarded a scholarship to invest towards their academic career. This year makes a high achievement for our high school engineering club. We added another newly founded High school ASCE club led by Zixuan Chen P.E., for John Burrough High School. During the first engineer school visit, the students got a chance to learn the geotechnical challenges and solutions of the LA Rams Stadium construction and participated a live demonstration of concrete testing simulation presented by Brad Dybel, CEG, GE.

To further extend our K-12 outreach involvement, Brian Phan also a Science Olympiad engineering coach for multiple schools in the Los Angeles County. Science Olympiad is a competition that challenges students against each other in multiple science and engineering related events. Brian Phan is a coach for Mark Keppel High School, Rosemead high school, Edgewood high school, and Mesa Robles Middle school. His coaching involvement allowed each school to place top 6 in their multiple engineering events and a grand 1st place finish in structural building for Edgewood high school.