Infrastructure Week West Coast Kick Off
ASCE LA YMF attended the Infrastructure Week West Coast Kick Off Event held at the historic Union Station in Los Angeles! The welcome remarks were given by our very own ASCE Society President, Kristina Swallow, who then moderated a panel including General Manager of LADWP David Wright, CEO of WSP, Greg Kelly, and Global Head of Urban Development of Siemens, Martin Powell. This panel discussion was followed by a discussion on transportation including CEO of LA Metro, Phil Washington and Secretary of California State Transportation Agency, Brian Annis. The keynote speaker was the Mayor of Los Angeles, The Honorable Eric Garcetti, who shared some visionary goals for infrastructure in Los Angeles with the help of his technical team at the Port of LA, LADWP, LA Metro, Private Engineering firms and others. The morning session concluded with a discussion between Mayors from across the United States and their challenges for funding infrastructure by the Federal Government, and ended with an update at the White House by California's 34th Congressional District Representative, The Honorable Jimmy Gomez.