Guide to Licensure

Just a few days before the Fall 2019 8-Hour Professional Engineering exam, ASCE LA YMF hosted a “Pathway to Professional Licensure” presentation given by Natalie King and Mike Donelson from the California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists (BPELSG) at Senor Fish in downtown LA. The presentation provided a detailed break down of the recent changes, upcoming changes, and general process of obtaining a professional civil engineering license in California. Ms. King described professional licensure as a three-legged stool consisting of 1) education, 2) experience, and 3) exams. These three technical criteria uphold the main purpose of licensure: Public Protection. During the presentation, attendees learned that there are only six 8-hour professional engineering exams left that will be pencil and paper and open book. Starting in 2023, the 8-hour exam will be converted to computer based and include a single searchable PDF reference book. For those that prefer the old fashion style of testing, you have 3 years to take and pass the PE exam, which you can do as soon as you pass the FE exam. Speaking of old fashion, ASCE LA YMF created a special drink menu with engineering themed cocktails such as the “The Professional Engineer,” YMF’s take on an old fashion. Attendees could also order a “Geo and Tectonic” (Gin and Tonic) and a “Desalination Plant” (Classic Margarita with Salt Rim). The event was well attended with approximately 45 people registered for the first Professional Development of the year!