Los Angeles River Master Plan Presentation
The Los Angeles River stretches 51 miles from the Santa Susana Mountains, through the San Fernando Valley and into the downtown L.A. area before meeting the Pacific Ocean in Long Beach, CA. For over 20 years, bikers and pedestrians have enjoyed recreational activities that the LA River has provided to their communities. Now the County of Los Angeles in collaboration with 41 distinguished engineering, government agencies, environmental advocates, and conservation groups are releasing a new master plan for the redevelopment of the open channel, in the hopes of creating more open space, improving mobility, and naturalizing portions of the concrete-lined river.
Genevieve Osemna, a senior Civil Engineer, and Mark Beltran, an associate Civil Engineer from the Los Angeles Department of Public Works developed a presentation portraying the Los Angeles River Master Plan on a virtual platform. The presentation showed examples of proposed projects along the river and major changes to enhance the quality of life of the river. The plan incorporated robust community outreach with local residents to ensure that the LA River will be a destination for all Angelenos for centuries to come.
To review the Los Angeles Master Plan, visit the website at www.larivermasterplan.org
A live press conference will stream on January 13, 2021 via YouTube (https://youtu.be/Xmt0ZpYYdvw).